How to say “She dances well” in Chinese: 她跳舞跳得好ta1 tiao4 wu3 tiao4 de5 hao3

How to say “She dances well” in Chinese: 她跳舞跳得好ta1 tiao4 wu3 tiao4 de5 hao3. 她ta1 she, 跳舞tiao4 wu3 dance, 跳tiao4 originally means jump, however tiao4 is the verb to go with the object dance (a habitual combination), so tiao4 here  means dance, 得de5 is a particle to put between a verb and the adverb which describe the verb, 好hao3 well. Some phrases that contain tiao4: 跳高tiao4 gao1 high jump, 跳远 tiao4 yuan3 long jump, 跳水 tiao4 shui3 diving, and 跳绳 tiao4 sheng2 jumping rope.

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