Chinese proverb about life, 生死有命,富贵在天 Sheng si you ming, fu gui zai tian. How to say ” He was recently diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his tongue” in Chinese. If Today Was Your Last Day Lyrics by Nickelback. 怒放的生命Nu fang de sheng ming.汪峰 Wang Feng, Life in full bloom

How to say ” He was recently diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his tongue” in Chinese: Ta1 zui4 jin4 bei4 zhen3 duan4 chu1 she2 tou2 shang4 you3 yi4 ke1 e4 xing4 zhong3 liu2. 他最近被诊断出舌头上有一颗恶性肿瘤。Ta1( 他 pronoun he) zui4 jin4 (最近adverb, recently) bei4 (被 passive voice marker- was verbed; here is was diagnosed) zhen3 duan4 (诊断 verb, diagnose) chu1 (出 complement verb, had an outcome) she2 tou2 (舌头 noun, tongue) shang4 (上 preposition word, on) you3 (有 verb, have) yi4 (一number, one) ke1 (颗 measure word for tumor) e4 xing4 (恶性 adjective, malignant) zhong3 liu2 (肿瘤 noun, tumor).

Cancer (癌症 ai2 zheng4) occurs when cells that are not growing normally (正常地 zheng4 chang2 de5) and spreading very fast. Normal body cells (细胞 xi4 bao1) grow and divide like the way they normally do and know when to stop growing. Over a period of time, they all died. However, the worst thing(最坏的事 zui4 huai4 de5 shi4) about cancer cells is that they continue (继续 ji4 xu4) to grow and grow, divide and divide irregularly (不规则地 bu4 gui1 ze2 di5), and don’t die at the time that they’re supposed to.

Cancer cells usually gather together to develop tumors (肿瘤 zhong3 liu2). A growing malignant (恶性 e4 xing4)tumor becomes a lump of cancer cells that will eventually destroy (cui1 hui3 摧毁) the normal cells around the tumor and damage the body’s healthy tissues and make cancer patients very weak and sick.

When cancer cells grow till later stages (阶段 jie1 duan4), they usually spread from the original tumor and travel to other parts of the body, where they keep growing and can go on to form new tumors at other part of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system (淋巴系统 lin2 ba1 xi4 tong3) or bloodstream (血液 xie3 yi4). The spread of a tumor to a new place is called metastasis.

Not all tumors are cancerous. Benign (良性 liang2 xing4) tumors do not grow uncontrollably (无法控制地 wu2 fa3 kong4 zhi4 di5), do not invade (入侵 ru4 qin1) neighboring tissues (邻近组织 lin2 jin4 zu3 zhi1), and do not spread (扩散 kuo4 san4) throughout the body. So, if you see a lump on your body somewhere, don’t get panic. There is a big chance that that lump might be benign.

As for the causes of cancers, they can be varied:
Many things can increase the risk (风险 feng1 xian3) of cancer, including tobacco use, certain infections (感染 gan3 ran3), radiation (辐射 fu2 she4), lacking exercise, poor diet choice, obesity (过度肥胖 guo4 du4 fei2 pang4), and environmental pollutants (污染物 wu1 ran3 wu4) — smoke from the kitchen lead in the painting, or chemicals (化学物hua4 xue2 wu4) in the cosmetic product. We can try to prevent the sources of cancer inducers, however, there are some cancers are hereditary (遗传的 yi2 chuan2 de5). So, too much stress on trying to keep and live in cancer free living environment is also one of the facts to cause cancer. Have you heard that–

It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats. Poor rats suffer a lot for human beings’ cancer panics (恐慌 kong3 huang1).

What if you unfortunately (不幸地 bu2 xing4 di5) got cancer? Please try not to be sad to death or shocked to death. Chinese people have a proverb says:
Sheng1 si3 you3 ming4, fu4 gui4 zai4 tian1.

Death and life have their destined fate;
riches and honors depend upon heaven.

It says that each person has a predestined time to die. Also has a predestined amount of money to own.

Try to see things in a positive way, even it is the time of trying. Remember cancer is just a “word”, not a “sentence” to suffer us.

There is a quotes:
My cancer scare changed my life. I’m grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life.
~Olivia Newton-John

So, see our each day as the last day will help us cherish our day more, and even we die tomorrow, we won’t have too much regret (遗憾 yi2 han4).

If Today Was Your Last Day Lyrics by Nickelback 2011

怒放的生命.汪峰 Wang Feng, Life in full bloom

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