A cute two-year-old German girl recites Chinese poems Youtube video. Importance of learning a foreign language from a young age.

Happy New Year everyone! Wish you the happiest New Year day and everyday after it too. Children are the cutest and happiest beings in the world. Hope your New Year of 2013 is as happy as theirs. Let’s read and watch something special:


Learn Mandarin Chinese, how to say:
[ca_audio url=”http://www.chinesetolearn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/German-girl.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]


Liǎng suì dé guó xiǎohái niàn zhōngwén shī ,bà mā dōu shì dào dì dé guó rén , bǎo mǔ shì tái wān rén.

兩 (number, 2) 歲 (noun, age) 德國 (country name, Germany)小 (adjective, little) 孩 (noun, children or child) 念 (verb, read or recite) 中文 (Chinese) 詩 (noun, poem), 爸 (noun, father) 媽 (noun, mother) 都 (adverb, all) 是 (verb, is) 道地 (adjective, authentic) 德國 (Germany) 人 (person or people),保母 (noun, nanny) 是 (verb, is) 台灣 (Taiwan; R.O.C.) 人 (noun, people or person)

A two-year-old German child recites Chinese poems. Parents are of German origin, while the nanny is Taiwanese.

小孩子的童言童語常會讓人覺得十分可愛. 這位德國的小女孩唸起中文詩詞来,儘管发音有點不太標準,但對於一個外國小朋友來說,能夠開口講中文已經算是難能可貴了,更別說唸上一段中文詩,唱一首中文儿童歌曲。

xiǎo háizi de tóng yán tóng yǔ cháng huì ràng rén juéde shífēn kě ài. zhè wèi dé guó de xiǎo nǚ hái niàn qi zhōngwén shīcí lái , jǐnguǎn fāyīn yǒu diǎn bù tài biāozhǔn , dàn yú yī ge wài guó xiǎo péngyou láishuō , néng gòu kāikǒu jiǎng Zhōngwén yǐ jīng suàn shì nán néng kě guì le , gèng bié shuō niàn shàng yī duàn Zhōngwén shī , chàng yī shǒu Zhōngwén értóng gēqǔ .

Children’s kiddy talks always make people feel (they’re) really cute. The way this German girl recited Chinese poem, although the pronunciation was not quite accurate (standard), for a foreign little child, being able to speak Chinese is considered rare and remarkable, let alone being able to recite a passage of Chinese poems and sing a Chinese children’s song.

Teaching second language or third language to young children is great for their brain development, and also the younger they learn, the more likely they will more quickly attain native-like language proficiency.
Parents should put aside their worries about learning a foreign language at a young age might cause children’s language confusion, language delay or cognitive deficit. On the contrary, becoming bilingual or trilingual is a beneficial stimulus for human brain development and it will contribute to a child’s future academic success.
The best way to acquire a foreign language is to put the child in an immersion program, and let him or her be surrounded by immersion setting using 100 percent of the target language. If there is no immersion program available, hiring a native speaker as baby sitter or nanny is a good idea too. Like this German girl, her parents all are German, but she has a good nanny from Taiwan.
Frederike唱歌和唸唐詩,Frederike speaks and sings in Chinese.



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