忘了去记得 Wang le qu ji de Forget to remember 戚薇 Qi Wei: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

戚薇【忘了去記得】【我是杜拉拉片尾曲】官方完整版 MV

Wàng le qù jì dé
Forget to remember

Qī Wēi
Stephy Qi Wei

kōng fángjiān ānjìngle yángguāng hūrán hǎo wēnróu
The empty room became quiet and the sunshine suddenly became so gentle.
空(empty)房间(room)安静(become quiet)了(past tense marker)阳(sun)光(light)忽然(suddenly)好(so)温柔(gentle)

shài gān le xiǎo shāngkǒu bù jièyì jìmò bǐ ài nǐ gèng kuàilè
Sun dried little wound doesn’t mind loneliness. I feel happier than loving you.
晒(bask in sunlight)干(dry)了(past tense marker)小(little)伤口(wound)不(not)介意(mind)寂寞(loneliness)比(compare)爱(love)你(you)更(even more)快乐(happy)

xiàng zuǒ zǒuxiàng yòu zǒu tíng zài gàobié de lùkǒu
Walk to the left, walk to the right and stop at the intersection of departing.
向(toward)左(left)走(walk)向(toward)右(right)走(walk)停(stop)在(at)告别(saying goodbye)的(connecting particle)路口(intersection)

huíyì tā kōng zhuóshǒu shíjiān de guǒ ràng wǒmen wéixiào cā jiān érguò
Memory, it has emptied hands. The fruit of time made us brush past each other smilingly.
回忆(memory)它(it)空( to empty)着(v+ing)手(hand)时间(time)的(connecting particle)果(fruit)让(let)我们(us)微笑(smile)擦(brush)肩(shoulder)而(then)过(pass)

wàngle wǒ huīzhe liǎn kāikǒu wàngle hóng zhuóyǎn fàngshǒu
Forgot about I uttered those words with discouragement in my face; forgot about I let it go with reddening eyes.
忘(forget)了(past tense marker)我(I)灰(grey)着(v+ing)脸(face)开(open)口(mouth)忘(forget)了(past tense marker)红(redden)着(v+ing)眼(eye)放(let it go)手(hand)

wàngle gùshì dào jiéwěi chóng láiguò
Forgot about the story at the end happened all over again.
忘(forget)了(past tense marker)故事(story)到(to)结尾(the end)重(again)来(come)过((experienced action marker)

shíjiān zhǐshì shuìguòle tóu mǒu tiān xǐng lái wǒ huì jìdé
Time just overslept. Someday when I wake up, I will remember.
时间(time)只(just)是(is)睡过了头(overslept)某天(someday)醒来(wake up)我(I)会(will)记得(remember)

jìdé xiāngyù shí zuǐjiǎo de cǎihóng
Remember the rainbow at the corners of mouth when we met each other.
记得(remember)相遇(to meet each other)时(time)嘴(mouth)角(corner)的(connecting particle)彩虹(rainbow)

yíwàng de xiǎo shāqiū xiānrénzhǎng yě huì shīluò
The forgotten little sand dune. Cacti will also feel a sense of loss.
遗忘(forgotten)的(connecting particle)小(little)沙(sand)丘(dune)仙人掌(cactus)也(also)会(will)失落(feel the sense of loss)

xièxiè nǐ bàoguò wǒ dài zǒu wǒ de cì chéngquán zuì hǎo de wǒ
Thank you for hugging me, bringing away my thorns and helping me to fulfill the best of me.
谢谢(thank)你(you)抱(hug)过(particle shows past experience) 我(me)带(bring)走(away)我的(my)刺(thorn)成全(to complete)最好(the best)的(connecting particle)我(me)

jìngzi lǐ nàgè wǒ hēngzhe dúchàng de qínggē
The I in the mirror is solely humming love songs
镜子(mirror)里(within)那(that)个(measure word)我(I)哼(hum)着(V+ing)独(solely/alone)唱(sing)的(connecting particle)情歌(love song)

bù wánměi de sǎtuō yào liànxí fàngshǒu xīnlǐ cái néng zhù jìn xià yīgè
Imperfect free and ease, it is need to practice more on how to let go, so the next one can move to and live in the heart
不(not)完美(perfect)的(connecting particle)洒脱(free and ease)要(have)练习(practice)放手(letting go)心(heart)里(within)才(then)能(able to)住(live)进(enter)下(next)一(one)个(measure word for person)

wàngle wǒ huīzhe liǎn kāikǒu wàngle hóng zhuóyǎn fàngshǒu
Forgot about I uttered those words with discouragement in my face; forgot about I let it go with reddening eyes.
忘(forget)了(past tense marker)我(I)灰(grey)着(v+ing)脸(face)开(open)口(mouth)忘(forget)了(past tense marker)红(redden)着(v+ing)眼(eye)放(let it go)手(hand)

wàngle gùshì dào jiéwěi chóng láiguò
Forgot about the story at the end happened all over again.
忘(forget)了(past tense marker)故事(story)到(to)结尾(the end)重(again)来(come)过((experienced action marker)

shíjiān zhǐshì shuìguòle tóu mǒu tiān xǐng lái wǒ huì jìdé
Time just overslept. Someday when I wake up, I will remember.
时间(time)只(just)是(is)睡过了头(overslept)某天(someday)醒来(wake up)我(I)会(will)记得(remember)

jìdé xiāngyù shí zuǐjiǎo de cǎihóng
Remember the rainbow at the corners of mouth when we met each other.
记得(remember)相遇(to meet each other)时(time)嘴(mouth)角(corner)的(connecting particle)彩虹(rainbow)

yǒurén qiān guòshǒu què méi dào zuìhòu
Someone held hands , yet did not last till the end
有人(someone)牵(held/connect)过(particle to show past experiences)手(hand)却(yet)没(not)到(till)最后(the end)

yíhàn shì shēnghuó zhè shì zuì hǎo de jiéguǒ
Regret is life. This is the best outcome
遗憾(regret)是(is)生活(life)这(this)是(is)最好(the best)的(connecting particle)结果(outcome)

gùshì lǐ shèng xià màn man gǎndòng ó yé〜
In the story, it just slowly heart moved (feelings) left
故事(story)里(within)剩下(left)慢慢(slow)感动(moving)哦耶(oh yeh)〜

wǒmen juéjiàng de chénmò hóng zhuóyǎn fàngshǒu
Our stubborn silence, with reddening eyes, we let go the hand
我们(we)倔强(stubborn)的(connecting particle)沉默(silence)红(red)着(v+ing)眼(eyes)放(let go)手(hand)

gùshì zhǐ chà yīgè jiéwěi bùpà chóng láiguò
The story is just short of an ending, and I am not afraid to start all over
故事(story)只(only)差(short of)一(one)个(measure word)结尾(ending)不(not)怕(afraid)重来过(start all over again)

wǒ huì yù dào xiǎng yù dào de xìngfú wǒ xīwàng xìngfú de
I will meet the happiness that I would like to meet. I hope happiness
我(I)会(will)遇到(meet)想(would like to)遇到(meet)的(connecting particle)幸福(happiness)我(I)希望(hope/wish)幸福(happiness)的(particle)

wàngle qù jìdé měihǎo de cuòguò
Forgot to remember the beautiful miss
忘(forget)了(past tense marker)去(to)记得(remember)美好的(beautiful and nice)错过(miss)

wàngle qù jìdé měihǎo de cuòguò
Forgot to remember the beautiful miss
忘(forget)了(past tense marker)去(to)记得(remember)美好的(beautiful and nice)错过(miss)

Translated by Shu

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