张惠妹 Zhang Huimei A-mei 這樣你還要愛我嗎 Zhe yang ni hai yao ai wo ma Like this, do you still love me? lyrics, pinyin, English translation

a MEI 這樣你還要愛我嗎 这样你还要爱我吗

Zhāng Huìmèi

Zhèyàng nǐ hái yào ài wǒ ma
Like this, do you still love me?

Wǒ xǐhuān jìng jìng kàn nǐ shòushāng
I like to quietly see you get wounded.


Kàn nǐ gānxīn xiè xià de chìbǎng
See the wings you willingly took down.

看(see)你(you)甘心(willingly)卸下(took down)的(connecting particle)翅膀(wings)

Zuì hǎo yě wàngjì zěnme shuōhuà
It is best that you also forget how to speak.

最好(the best)也(also)忘记(forgot)怎么(how to)说话(speak)

做 我的收藏
做 我的收藏
Zuò wǒ de shōucáng
Be my collection

做(to be) 我的(my)收藏(collection)

你有光芒 就有變化
你有光芒 就有变化
Nǐ yǒu guāngmáng jiù yǒu biànhuà
You have brilliant rays, (then) you will have changes.

你(you)有(have)光芒(rays of light / brilliant rays / radiance ) 就(then)有(have)变化(change)

Ràng wǒ gǎnjué hàipà
(The fact) lets me feel scared.


Wǒ dū chéngshí shuō le
I’ve all spoken honestly.

我(I)都(all)诚实(honestly)说(speak)了(past tense marker)

這樣你還要 還要愛我嗎
这样你还要 还要爱我吗
Zhèyàng nǐ hái yào hái yào ài wǒ ma
Like this way, do you still, still want to love me?

这样(this way)你(you)还(still)要(want) 还(still)要(want)爱(love)我(me)吗(question marker)

Lián wǒ de wàngxiǎng yě àizhe
(You) even love my delusions.

连(even)我的(my)妄想(delusion)也(also)爱(love)着(aspect particle indicating action in progress )

這樣你還要 還要愛我嗎
这样你还要 还要爱我吗
Zhèyàng nǐ hái yào hái yào ài wǒ ma
Like this way, do you still, still want to love me?

这样(this way)你(you)还(still)要(want) 还(still)要(want)爱(love)我(me)吗(question marker)

我不要回答 我只要聽
我不要回答 我只要听
Wǒ bùyào huídá wǒ zhǐyào tīng
I don’t want answers; I just want to hear

我(I)不(not)要(want)回答(answer) 我(I)只(only)要(want)听(listen)

你 你愛我
你 你爱我
Nǐ nǐ ài wǒ
You, you love me.

你(you) 你(you)愛(love)我(me)

你 你不怕 對嗎
你 你不怕 对吗
Nǐ nǐ bùpà duì ma
You, you’re not scared, right?

你(you) 你(you)不(not)怕(fear) 对(right)吗(question marker)

music ****

Jiào nǐ yīgè líkāi de fāngfǎ
(I’ll) teach you a way to leave.

教(teach)你(you)一(one)个(measure word)离开(leave)的(connecting particle)方法(way/method)

敲碎我吧 踩在我身上
敲碎我吧 踩在我身上
Qiāo suì wǒ ba cǎi zài wǒ shēnshang
Strike and break me, step on my body.

敲(hit/strike)碎(break)我(me)吧(particle shows suggestions) 踩(step)在(preposition particle/on)我(my)身上(body)

留些疤 炫耀它 像簽名一樣
留些疤 炫耀它 像签名一样
Liú xiē bā xuànyào tā xiàng qiānmíng yīyàng
Leave some scars and show off them just the same like signatures.

留(leave)些(some)疤(scars) 炫耀(flaunt/show off)它(it) 像(like)签名(signature)一样(the same)

你 覺得好嗎
你 觉得好吗
Nǐ juédé hǎo ma
Is that fine with you?

你(you) 觉得(feel)好吗(OK? alright?)


Zhèyàng nǐ hái yào hái yào ài wǒ ma
Like this way, do you still, still want to love me?

这样(this way)你(you)还(still)要(want) 还(still)要(want)爱(love)我(me)吗(question marker)

Lián wǒ de è mèng yě àizhe
(You) even love my nightmares

连(even)我的(my)恶(bad)梦(dream)也(also)爱(love)着(particle shows action is occurring)

Zhèyàng nǐ hái yào hái yào ài wǒ ma
Do you still, still want to love me?

你(you)还(still)要(want)还(still)要(want)爱(love)我(me)吗(question marker)

我不要回答 我只要聽
我不要回答 我只要听
Wǒ bùyào huídá wǒ zhǐyào tīng
I don’t want answers; I just want to hear

我(I)不(not)要(want)回答(answer) 我(I)只(only)要(want)听(listen)

你 你愛我
你 你爱我
Nǐ nǐ ài wǒ
You, you love me.

你(you) 你(you)愛(love)我(me)




你 你愛我
你 你爱我
Nǐ nǐ ài wǒ
You, you love me.

你(you) 你(you)愛(love)我(me)

你 你不怕
你 你不怕
Nǐ nǐ bùpà
You, you’re not scared.

你(you) 你(you)不(not)怕(fear)

你 你猶豫了
你 你犹豫了
Nǐ nǐ yóuyùle
You, you hesitate.

你(you) 你(you)犹豫(hesitate)了(past tense marker)

Wùhuì nǐ shuō ài jiùshì àile
(I) misunderstood your saying about love, and thought it was love. (Apparently it is not love.)

误会(misunderstand)你(you)说(say)爱(love)就(then)是(is)爱(love)了(sentence final particle)

我 在傻什麼
我 在傻什么
Wǒ zài shǎ shénme
I have been foolish for what?

我(I) 在(indicating an action in progress)傻(foolish)什么(what)

Translated by Shu

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