官鸿 Guan hong Darren Chen 花背後的溫柔 Hua Bei Hou De Wen Rou Tenderness Behind the Flower – 2018 TV drama Meteor Garden song – pinyin, lyrics and English translation

Darren Chen – The Tenderness Behind the Flower – Meteor Garden OST 官鸿 花背后的温柔

Guān hóng
Darren Chen
Huā bèihòu de wēnróu
Tenderness Behind the Flower

Yuánliàng zǒng shì chénmò de rén
Forgive the person who always remains silent
原谅(forgive)总是(always)沉默(silent)的(connecting particle)人(person/people)

jùlí tài yuǎn huì biàn wúshēng
The distance is too far away and it will become soundless

有些感覺並不適合 承認
有些感觉并不适合 承认
yǒuxiē gǎnjué bìng bùshìhé chéngrèn
Some feeling is not suitable to admit
有些(some)感觉(feelings)并不(not at all / emphatically not
)适合(suitable) 承认(admit)

yǔqí huíbì nǐ de yǎnshén
Rather than avoid the emotions in your eyes
与其(rather than)迴避(avoid)你的(your)眼神(express or emotions in the eyes)

dòngyáo wǒ de yīsī kěnéng
and move my one trace’s possibility
动摇(move)我的(my)一(one)丝(silk, means tininess of something)可能(possibility)

那就趁你看穿我以前 轉身
那就趁你看穿我以前 转身
nà jiù chèn nǐ kànchuān wǒ yǐqián zhuǎnshēn
Then might as well turn around before you see through me
那(then)就(just)趁(to avail oneself of / to take advantage of)你(you)看(see)穿(through)我(me)以前(before) 转(turn)身(body)

以為我多 神秘 是你 不夠聰明 而已
以为我多 神秘 是你 不够聪明 而已
yǐwéi wǒ duō shénmì shì nǐ bùgòu cōngmíng éryǐ
You thought I was mysterious, but, it is because you are not smart enough that’s all
以为(to think)我(I)多(how/much) 神秘(mysterious) 是(is)你(you) 不(not)够(enough)聪明(smart) 而已(that’s all)

那麼靠近 卻又 和你 保持距離 就不必擔心會失去
那么靠近 却又 和你 保持距离 就不必担心会失去
nàme kàojìn què yòu hé nǐ bǎochí jùlí jiù bùbì dānxīn huì shīqù
(Stay) that close (to you), yet keep a distance (from You), then (I) don’t need to worry about losing (you)
那么(so very much)靠近(near) 却又(yet) 和(and)你(you) 保持(keep)距离(distance) 就(then)不必(don’t need to)担心(worry)会(will)失去(lose)

守在你的背後 比牽起手溫柔
守在你的背后 比牵起手温柔
shǒu zài nǐ de bèihòu bǐ qiān qǐ shǒu wēnróu
Guarding behind your back is more gentle than holding your hand
守(guard)在(preposition/at)你的(your)背后(back) 比(compare with)牵(hold)起(up)手(hand)温柔(gentle)

只讓你的背影 躺進我的胸口
只让你的背影 躺进我的胸口
zhǐ ràng nǐ de bèiyǐng tǎng jìn wǒ de xiōngkǒu
Only let the back view of you lying down into my chest
只(only)让(let)你的(your)背影(rear view) 躺(lie down)进(enter)我的(my)胸口(chest)

把愛藏在背後 陪我隱形溫柔
把爱藏在背后 陪我隐形温柔
bǎ ài cáng zài bèihòu péi wǒ yǐnxíng wēnróu
Keep love hidden behind the back, accompany my invisiblized tenderness
把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)爱(love)藏(hide)在(at)背后(behind back) 陪(accompany)我(my)隐形(invisible)温柔(tenderness)

像最好的知己 不打擾你心動
像最好的知己 不打扰你心动
xiàng zuì hǎo de zhījǐ bù dǎrǎo nǐ xīndòng
It is like the best confidant who doesn’t disturb your heartbeat
像(is like)最好(the best)的(connecting particle)知己(confidant/bosom friend) 不(not)打扰(disturb)你(your)心(heart)动(move)

悲傷也像無痛 流淚也用笑容
悲伤也像无痛 流泪也用笑容
bēishāng yě xiàng wútòng liúlèi yě yòng xiàoróng
Sadness also looks like painless, tears shedding with smiling face
悲伤(sadness)也(also)像(is like)无(no)痛(pain) 流(flowing)泪(tears)也(also)用(use)笑(smiling)容(appearance)

沒開始的衝動 也就沒有最後
没开始的冲动 也就没有最后
méi kāishǐ de chōngdòng yě jiù méiyǒu zuìhòu
Without the impulsiveness of starting, then, also without the finale
没(no)开始(start)的(connecting particle)冲动(impulsiveness) 也(also)就(then)没有(don’t have)最后(the last)

Music *****

yǔqí huíbì nǐ de yǎnshén
Rather than avoid the emotions in your eyes
与其(rather than)迴避(avoid)你的(your)眼神(express or emotions in the eyes)

dòngyáo wǒ de yīsī kěnéng
and move my one trace’s possibility
动摇(move)我的(my)一(one)丝(silk, means tininess of something)可能(possibility)

那就趁你看穿我以前 轉身
那就趁你看穿我以前 转身
nà jiù chèn nǐ kànchuān wǒ yǐqián zhuǎnshēn
Then might as well turn around before you see through me
那(then)就(just)趁(to avail oneself of / to take advantage of)你(you)看(see)穿(through)我(me)以前(before) 转(turn)身(body)

以為我多 神秘 是你 不夠聰明 而已
以为我多 神秘 是你 不够聪明 而已
yǐwéi wǒ duō shénmì shì nǐ bùgòu cōngmíng éryǐ
You thought I was mysterious, but, it is because you are not smart enough that’s all
以为(to think)我(I)多(how/much) 神秘(mysterious) 是(is)你(you) 不(not)够(enough)聪明(smart) 而已(that’s all)

那麼靠近 卻又 和你 保持距離 就不必擔心會失去
那么靠近 却又 和你 保持距离 就不必担心会失去
nàme kàojìn què yòu hé nǐ bǎochí jùlí jiù bùbì dānxīn huì shīqù
(Stay) that close (to you), yet keep a distance (from You), then (I) don’t need to worry about losing (you)
那么(so very much)靠近(near) 却又(yet) 和(and)你(you) 保持(keep)距离(distance) 就(then)不必(don’t need to)担心(worry)会(will)失去(lose)

Music ***

守在你的背後 比牽起手溫柔
守在你的背后 比牵起手温柔
shǒu zài nǐ de bèihòu bǐ qiān qǐ shǒu wēnróu
Guarding behind your back is more gentle than holding your hand
守(guard)在(preposition/at)你的(your)背后(back) 比(compare with)牵(hold)起(up)手(hand)温柔(gentle)

只讓你的背影 躺進我的胸口
只让你的背影 躺进我的胸口
zhǐ ràng nǐ de bèiyǐng tǎng jìn wǒ de xiōngkǒu
Only let the back view of you lying down into my chest
只(only)让(let)你的(your)背影(rear view) 躺(lie down)进(enter)我的(my)胸口(chest)

把愛藏在背後 陪我隱形溫柔
把爱藏在背后 陪我隐形温柔
bǎ ài cáng zài bèihòu péi wǒ yǐnxíng wēnróu
Keep love hidden behind the back, accompany my invisiblized tenderness
把(particle marking the following noun as a direct object)爱(love)藏(hide)在(at)背后(behind back) 陪(accompany)我(my)隐形(invisible)温柔(tenderness)

像最好的知己 不打擾你心動
像最好的知己 不打扰你心动
xiàng zuì hǎo de zhījǐ bù dǎrǎo nǐ xīndòng
It is like the best confidant who doesn’t disturb your heartbeat
像(is like)最好(the best)的(connecting particle)知己(confidant/bosom friend) 不(not)打扰(disturb)你(your)心(heart)动(move)

像離開的逗留 還好你很笨拙
像离开的逗留 还好你很笨拙
xiàng líkāi de dòuliú hái hǎo nǐ hěn bènzhuō
(My) lingering was like departing, fortunately, you are quite unclever (and not able to figure out)
像(is like)离开(depart)的(connecting particle)逗留(lingering) 还好(fortunately)你(you)很(very)笨拙(unclever/clumsy)

做了有他的夢 你就別再回頭
做了有他的梦 你就别再回头
zuòle yǒu tā de mèng nǐ jiù bié zài huítóu
You dreamt the dreams with him in them, then don’t you look back again
做(do)了(past tense particle) 有(have)他(he)的(connecting particle)梦(dream) 你(you)就(then)别(don’t)再(again)回头(turn around)

Translated by Shu

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