Taiwan Aunt Tiger folktale: story summary and Hu gu po song lyrics, pinyin and English translation

Aunt Tiger 虎姑婆 hu3 gupo2 describes some of the culture and traditions of Taiwan through the telling of this folktale. This story tells of an elderly tiger that yearned to become human. He learned that in order for his dream to come true, he had to eat three children before sunset. In the end this tiger was ingeniously defeated by a clever young girl in this trickster folktale from Taiwan.
A Story From Taiwan: Aunt Tiger Story Detail
An old tiger wanders into a cave and discovers a magic spell written on a wall that tells him not only how to become human, but also how to assume the shape of any human he desires. For three days, he carefully follows the instructions of the spell. At its completion, he realizes that he still has a tail. Instructions on another part of the cave wall states that he must eat three children by days end in order to get rid of his tail. The tiger, now in human form, hides his tail in a pair of trousers and sets off to find three children. He uses tricks to capture two children. However, he is no match for the third child. In an unsuccessful attempt to disguise himself as the child’s talkative aunt, the young girl discovers his true identity, outsmarts the tiger, races back to his cave, rescues the other children and kills the tiger.

The story detail comes from: http://www.bcdb.com/cartoon_story/131778-Story_From_Taiwan_Aunt_Tiger.html

Beside the  folktale of “Hu Gu Po”(Aunt Tiger), there is a saying about Hu Gu Po eating children in the night. Based on that saying, there is a song called “Hu Gu Po” and the lyrics, pinyin and English translation are as followed.

虎姑婆 Hu Gu Po
Tiger Aunt / Tiger great-aunt
虎(tiger) 姑婆( originally means grandfather’s sister / great-aunt)

好久好久的故事 是媽媽告訴我
hao3  jiu3 hao3 jiu3 de gu4 shi4, shi4 ma ma gao4 su4 wo3
The story of long time, long time ago, it was my mom told me (the story).
好久 (quite a while / very long)好久 (quite a while / very long)的 (connecting particle)故事 (story) 是 (is) 媽媽 (mom) 告訴 (noun phrase, told) 我 (pronoun, me)

在好深好深的夜裡 會有虎姑婆
zai4 hao3 shen hao3 shen de ye4 li3, hui4 you3 hu3 gu po2
In the deep, deep night, there will be a tiger great-aunt.
在 (preposition, at /in) 好 (adverb, very /quite) 深 (deep, here means late) 好 (adverb, very /quite) 深 (deep, here means late)的 (connecting particle) 夜 (night) 裡 (preposition, within) 會 (verb, will) 有 (have) 虎 (tiger) 姑婆(( originally means grandfather’s sister / great-aunt)

愛哭的孩子不要哭 他會咬你的小耳朵
ai4 ku de hai3 zi bu4 yao4 ku, ta hui4 yao3 ni de xiao3 er3 duo
Child who loves to cry, don’t cry, (for) she will bite your little ears.
愛 (love to) 哭 (cry) 的 (connecting particle) 孩子 (children or child) 不要 (don’t) 哭 (cry) 他 (he) 會 (will) 咬 (bite) 你的 (your) 小 (small) 耳朵(ears)

不睡的孩子趕快睡 他會咬你的小指頭
bu4 shui4 de hai2 zi gan3 kuai4 shui4, ta hui4 yao3 ni3 de xiao3 zhi3 tou2
The child who doesn’t sleep goes quickly to sleep or she will bite your fingers.
不 (negate word, not) 睡 (sleep) 的 (connecting particle) 孩子 (children) 趕快 (quickly) 睡 (sleep) 他 (he) 會(will) 咬(bite) 你的 (your) 小(little) 指頭(fingers)

還記得 還記得
hai3 ji4 de2, hai2 ji4 de 2
I still remember, still remember ….
還(adverb, still) 記得(remember) 還(still) 記得(remember)

瞇著眼睛說 虎姑婆別咬我
mi4 zhe yan3 jing shuo, hu3 gu po2 bie2 yao 3 wo3
I squinted (my eyes) and said ” Tiger great-aunt don’t bite me”.
瞇(squint)著 (particle to show action in process)眼睛 (eyes)說(say) 虎 (tiger) 姑婆 (great-aunt)別(don’t)咬 (bite) 我(me)

kuai kuai de hai2 zi shui4 zhao2 le
Good and obedient child fell asleep.
乖乖 (obedient)的 (connecting particle) 孩子 (children)睡著 (sleep)了(sentence final particle, also past tense marker)

Translated and annotated by Shu

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