Study Chinese – How to say ” sincerely yours ” in Chinese letter writing? 敬上。Jing shang. How to say ” I sincerely thank you for your help” in Chinese: 我由衷感谢你的帮忙. Learn shang phrases – top, superior, go up, also zhong -the classic word of heart xin. Song – Xie xie ni de ai thank you for your love

Now Christmas is over. It is time to show your appreciation for the gift you received. At the end of your thank you note, you might want to use sincerely yours to show that you mean it from the bottom of your heart, and not just do it because your parents say it is a good manner to do so. You might wonder how to say
“sincerely yours” in Chinese letter writing? It is 敬上。jing4 shang4 which means respectfully sending (this) up (to you).

Shang4 has many meanings, here are some of them:

(1) top
Shang4 dan4 shu4 shang4 mian4 you3 yi4 ge5 xing1 xing5.
There is a star on top of Christmas tree.
for the usage of suffix bian1, please see yesterday’s one Chinese sentence a day.

(2) superior
Wo3 de5 shang4 si1 hen3 hao3.
My boss is very good.
Shang4 si1 means boss, supervisor.

(3) go up
Shui3 wang3 shang4 liu2.
Water flows up.
shang4 functions as an adverb to modify the verb liu2 flow.

When a person did you a big favor, how should you say in Chinese to express your truly grateful feelings? Like he or she moved a mountain from the east coast to the west coast for you? Even it is a toy mountain? You certainly need to know how to say ” I sincerely thank you for your help” in Chinese with a touchy tone: 我由衷感谢你的帮忙。wo3 (我 pronoun, I) you2 zhong1 (由衷 you2 mean from, zhong1 means heart, so together, they mean from heart) gan3 xie4 (感谢 verb, to thank) ni3 de5 (你的possessive pronoun, yours) bang1 mang2 (帮忙 noun, help).

衷 is a classic word for heart xin1 心。This sentence, you can also say it as:
Wo3 da3 cong2 xin1 li3 gan3 xie4 ni3 de5 bang1 mang2.

Da3 is nothing to do with 打人 (da3 ren2, hitting people) or 打架 (da3 jia4, fighting), there is no fighting here at heart at the moment when you want to express your gratitude, unless you are forced to write a thank you note maybe?

Da3 cong2 打从 just means cong2 从, from, 打 da3 is a habitual prefix to go with cong2 从, and itself has no meaning here. 心 Xin1 li3 means inside the heart, remember in English we say the preposition words before the place, but in Chinese we say the preposition words after the place. Like English says ” Inside my house” but Chinese says “wo3 jia1 li3 我家里 my house inside。”

Wo3 da3 cong2 xin1 li3 gan3 xie4 ni3 dao4 wo3 de5 wang3 zhan4 lai2.
Thank you from my heart for your visiting my website!!!! from all over the world.
Wish you a good time every time here!

Now, let me find a song with xie4 xie4 in it.

I hope you will enjoy Andy Liu’s xie4 xie4 ni3 de5 ai4 谢谢你的爱 thank you for your love. It is a lovely song, but sad though. If you would like to know the English translation, please see:

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