Learn Mandarin Chinese, how to say: U.S. school shooting crime happened again, relaunched gun control controversy. Chinese quotes about crimes and sins.

Learn Mandarin Chinese, how to say: U.S. school shooting crime happened again, relaunched gun control controversy. Chinese quotes about crimes and sins with Chinese text, pinyin, English translation and audio recording. How to talk to your children about violence against children. Michael Jackson – We are the World lyrics.

Learn Mandarin Chinese, how to say:
[ca_audio url=”http://www.chinesetolearn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Shooting.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]

Měiguó xiàoyuán qiāngjī àn zài qǐ , chóngxīn xiānqǐ duì qiāngzhī guǎnzhì de zhēngyì.
U.S. school shooting crime happened again, relaunched gun control controversy.

Měiguó (美国 proper noun, USA) xiàoyuán (校园 noun, campus) qiāngjī (枪击 noun phrase, shooting) àn (案 noun, crime) zài (再 adverb, again) qǐ (起 verb, up or happen) , chóngxīn (重新 adverb phrase, again) xiānqǐ (掀起 verb, lift or raise) duì (对 preposition word means toward) qiāngzhī (枪支 noun, gun) guǎnzhì (管制noun, control) de (的 a particle to connect attributive and the noun it modifies) zhēngyì (争议 noun, controversy).

I feel very sad about the shooting that happened yesterday, December 14 2012. There were many young innocent children lost their young lives due to a senseless shooting crime. It is said that the principal who died in the rampage was killed while lunging at the gunman (枪手 qiāngshǒu )as she tried to overtake him. In each crime, we see the worst devil as well as the beauty of heroism. No one can live life forever, and everything around us can be taken away unexpectedly. So, cherish the ones we love and live the moment to the fullest. Be kind to others and live every day usefully and meaningfully.

Classic Chinese quotes about 罪 zuì and 罪恶 zuìè (crimes and sins):

[ca_audio url=”http://www.chinesetolearn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/crimes-and-sins.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]

The difference between crimes and sins:
The difference is that a crime is a deed done against a rule or law written and created by a governing body. A sin is something that is not necessarily a crime but something done against a belief which could be religious, spiritual or moral.

言而无实,罪也。 —— 柳宗元
yán ér wú shí , zuì yě . —— Liǔ Zōngyuán
Statements were made without truth — it is a sin.
(也 in classical Chinese is a final particle implying affirmation. )

欲加之罪,其无辞乎。 —— 左丘明
yù jiāzhī zuì , qí wú cí hū . —— zuǒqiū míng
How could we fail to find words, when we want to accuse someone?
(其 is functioned as 岂 qǐ ( how – emphatic question) to form a rhetorical question.)

天网恢恢,疏而不失。 —— 老子
Tiānwǎng huī huī , shū ér bù shī . —— Lǎozǐ
Heaven’s net is wide meshed, but nothing escapes it.
(A Chinese idiom, from Laozi 老子 73)

人神之所共嫉,天地之所不容。 ——骆宾王
rén shén zhī suǒ gòng jì , tiāndì zhī suǒ bù róng . ——luòbīnwáng
(He or she) was hated by people and God and won’t be tolerated by heaven and earth.
(嫉 means 恨 which is a verb means hate. It is not the common meaning of 嫉 which means jealous.)

喜不可纵有罪,怒不可戳无辜。 ——陈寿
xǐ bùkě zòng yǒuzuì , nù bùkě chuō wúgū . ——Chén Shòu
When in joy, one should not release those who commit crimes; when in anger, one should not stab innocent people.

刑罚不能加无罪,邪枉不能胜正人。 ——范晔
xíngfábù néng jiā wúzuì , xié wǎng bù néng shèng zhèng rén . ——Fàn Yè
Penalty can not be put onto innocent people; demonic and crooked people can’t surpass upright people.

功莫大于去恶而好善,罪莫于去善而为恶。 ——贾谊
gōng mòdà Yú Qùè ér hǎo shàn , zuì mò yú qù shàn ér wéi è . ——Jiǎ Yì
No meritorious deeds will be greater than getting rid of sins and loving goodness; no crimes will be greater than removing goodness and committing evil deeds.
(These two lines are written in parallel structure, so when we read the second line, we interpret it as 罪莫**大**于去善而为恶.)

心术不可得罪于天地,言行要留好样与儿孙。 ——袁崇焕
xīn shù bùkě dézuì yú tiāndì , yánxíngyào liú hǎo yàng yǔ érsūn . ——Yuán Chónghuàn
(People’s) intention should not offend heaven and earth; on words and deeds (people) have to set a good example for their descendants.

青蝇嗜肉汁而忘溺死,众人贪世利而陷罪祸。 ——班固
qīngyíng shì ròuzhī ér wàng nì sǐ , zhòngrén tān shì lì ér xiàn zuì huò . ——Bān Gù
Blue flies were addicted to meat stock and forgot they might got drowned (in the meat stock); people coveted human world’s profit and sank into crimes and disasters.

罄南山之竹,书罪无穷;决东海之波,流恶难尽。 ——刘昫
qìng Nánshānzhī zhú , shū zuì wúqióng ;jué Dōnghǎi zhī bō , liú è nán jǐn . ——Liú xù
(Even) used up all the bamboo of the South Mountain, (people) won’t be able to write down all the crimes; (even) burst out all the waves of the East Sea, (people) won’t be able to empty all the evil torrents.

含沙射影,虽病人不知,巧言构人罪,至死人不疑。 ——白居易
hánshāshèyǐng , suī bìngrén bùzhī , qiǎo yán Gòu rén zuì , zhìsǐ rén bù yí . ——Bái Jūyì
To attack someone by innuendo, even though it was invalid, people won’t be able to know. To build up someone’s crime by skillful talks, till death, people won’t doubt them (skillful talks).
(The idiom 含沙射影 means to attack someone by innuendo.)

How to Talk To Your Children About Violence Against Kids

If you have children or young relatives or friends, how should you talk to them about violence against kids?

There is an useful article that you might find it useful–
Talking To Your Children About Violence Against Kids

Children are exposed to numerous accounts of violence against kids, such as abductions, murder, and random acts of terrorism.

Parents need to be aware that children may react strongly to those events and should be prepared to discuss their child’s thoughts and feelings. The following are some guidelines for parents:

Be honest about the situation. Give your children information at their own level and put it in context. Explain that even though frightening things happen to children every once in awhile, most children go about their day with no harm. Don’t describe unlikely scenarios that would unnecessarily frighten your children.
It helps to know what information your child is getting. Monitor their exposure to television reports, and help explain what they see if they do watch television. Ask them what they are hearing at school and, if necessary, give them factual information to dispel rumors they are hearing from others.
Limit the amount of exposure to violent movies, videos, or computer games. The impact of violence for children is cumulative.
Understand that children of different ages react differently. Younger children may react by showing more separation anxiety when their parents leave them at daycare or school. Older children may present a rough exterior or act out aggressive behavior.
Provide extra emotional support for your children. Review safety precautions and practice routines of going to and from school with them. Teach your children that they should go to an adult that they trust if they feel threatened in any situation.
Avoid infecting your children’s lives with your own anxiety. If you are feeling overwhelmed by anxiety caused by traumatic events, take steps to deal with your own feelings before your children are affected.
Be aware of other areas of children’s lives that may make them especially vulnerable to fears regarding violence against children. Children who have experienced a traumatic incident in the past, children who are grieving a personal tragedy, and children who are ill are all more susceptible to anxiety regarding other events.
Children need personal reassurance. Tell them what you are doing to ensure their safety; tell your children what their daycare provider or teacher is doing to maintain safety; and tell children what they can do to enhance their own safety.
Don’t overdo it. Maintain normal routines for eating, sleeping, and play. Keep an eye open for any signs of anxiety.

The above talking about violence article is from: Family Resource Center at Minneapolis Children’s Hospital and Clinics for Family Information Services, Minneapolis, MN

Michael Jackson – We are the World lyrics

[ca_audio url=”http://www.chinesetolearn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Michael-Jackson-We-are-the-World-lyrics.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]

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