Mandarin – How to say ” He became infatuated with a Chinese girl” in Chinese. The mi phrases family, mi ren charming, mi lu lost direction, mi shi got lost, mi gong maze, mi mang unclear. Dense fog of love

Mandarin phrases – How to say ” He became infatuated with a Chinese girl” in Chinese: Ta1 mi2 shang4 le5 yi2 ge5 Zhong1 Guo2 nu3 hai2. 他迷上了一个中国女孩。Ta1 (pronoun, he) mi2 (verb, infatuate) shang4 (a complement word usually follows certain verbs, to show the result of some action – 迷上 got infatuated; for example 穿上衣服 chuan1 shang4 yi1 fu2 – wore clothes) le5 ( particle, shows the completion of the action -got infatuated already) yi2 (number, one) ge5 (measure word for person) Zhong1 Guo2 (Noun China, but here functions as adjective, Chinese) nu3 hai2 (noun, girl).

Mi2 is a very interesting Chinese word, and there are some phrases that are quite useful.

1. 迷人 mi2 ren2 Charming.
For example, if you are a prince charming,”迷人的王子 mi2 ren2 de5 wang2 zi5” and you saw a girl and you want to say “Lady, you are so charming. Can I have a dance with you?”
Then you definitely need to know how to say “小姐,你真迷人。我可以请你跳舞吗?” xiao3 jie3 ni3 zhen1 mi2 ren2, wo3 ke3 yi3 qing3 ni3 tiao4 wu3 ma5?

2. 迷雾 mi2 wu4 dense fog 迷茫 mi2 mang2 unclear
But, if that lady who you adore got severe myopia, she might feel like in a cloud of 迷雾 mi2 wu4 (dense fog) for the bad eye sight that could not see things clearly, and what she sees is all 迷茫 mi2 mang2 (unclear).

3. 迷失 mi2 shi1 got lost
She might say OK to you and dance with you. But, you need to keep a close eye on her, for she might 迷失 mi2 shi1 (get lost) in the crowd.

4. 迷宫 mi2 gong1 maze
So, when you go to a party, make sure you know the floor plan of the building, so that it won’t look like a 迷宫 mi2 gong1(maze)
to you.

5. 迷迷糊糊 mi2 mi2 hu2 hu2 (confused, puzzled)
I hope you enjoy today’s one Chinese sentence a day, and are not 迷迷糊糊 mi2 mi2 hu2 hu2 (confused, puzzled) about this word 迷mi2 now.

Now I need to find a song to conclude today’s post. I found a song called 爱的迷雾 (Ai4 de5 mi2 wu4, dense fog of love) by doing Google search. I am glad I did not mi2 lu4 (迷路 lost my direction) in Google cyber search world and find the right link for the song. Enjoy the song, and wish you good luck and never get lost in the frog of love. Sorry it is not frog, it is fog.

I think my brain got foggy now. 我的头脑起雾了 wo3 de5 (my) tou2 nao3 (brain) qi3 (verb, arise) wu4 (noun, fog) le5. LOL I never heard anyone said wo3 de5 tou2 nao3 qi3 wu4 le5, but certainly it makes perfect sense here.
Enjoy the foggy view in this video

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