林俊傑 Lin Jun Jie JJ Lin 靈魂的共鳴 Ling Hun de Gong Ming Resonance of the Souls: Mandarin lyrics, pinyin, English translation and annotation, quotes of symphony and giant panda triple yawning video

林俊傑 靈魂的共鳴 Variation 25: Clash of the Souls

Ling Hun de Gong Ming
Resonance of the Souls
靈魂 (noun phrase, souls) 的 (connecting particle) 共鳴(noun phrase, resonance)

Lin Jun Jie
JJ Lin

xǐng zài gǔ āi jí de lí míng
Waking in the dawn of ancient Egypt
醒(verb, wake up) 在 (preposition, at/in/on etc..) 古 (adj. old or ancient) 埃及 (noun, Egypt) 的 (connecting particle to connect attributive and the noun it modifies) 黎明 (noun phrase, dawn)

jīn zì tǎ tīng cóng nǐ
Pyramids obey you.
金字塔 (noun, pyramid) 听从 (verb phrase, listen to or obey) 你 (pronoun, you)

wǒ xún fú rén miàn shī shēn
I tamed the sphinx.
我 (pronoun, I) 驯服 (verb, tame) 人面狮身(noun, sphinx)

zhèn shǒu ài qíng
Firmly guard the love.
镇守 (verb phrase, guard) 爱情(noun, love)

zhuǎn shēn dié jìn cháng chéng láng yān lǐ
Turned around and fell into the  fire beacon of the Great Wall.
转 (verb, turn) 身 (noun, body) 跌 (verb, fall) 进 (verb, enter) 长城 (noun, the Great Wall) 狼烟 (noun phrase, fire beacon) 里 (preposition, within)

nǐ shì zhèn guān de chuán qí
You are the legend of the garrison.
你 (pronoun, you) 是 (verb, is or are or am) 镇关 (noun, garrison or fortress) 的 (connecting particle) 传奇(noun, legend)

wǒ zài gōng chéng luè dì
I am encroaching cities and plundering lands.
我(pronoun, I) 在(particle shows an action is in progress) 攻 (verb, invade or encroach)城(noun, city) 掠(verb, plunder) 地(noun, land or place)

xún zhǎo zhī yīn
Looking for the person who knows my soul.
寻找 (verb phrase, search for) 知音(noun, originally it means the person who knows music, however it is used as the person who knows about you and hence it means soul mate.)

tiān fù wú cóng fàn mài
There is no way to sell innate talents.
天赋(noun phrase, tian means heaven or nature, fu means nature gives you, thus, these two words mean innate talents) 无从 (no way to) 贩卖(verb phrase, sell)

wù jìng tiān zé táo tài
Natural selection and elimination.
物 (noun, things) 競 (verb, compete) 天 (noun, nature) 择 (verb, select) 淘汰 (verb phrase, elimination)

xiàn shí cán kù duì dài
The reality cruelly treats
现实 (noun phrase, reality) 残酷 (adverb, cruelly) 对待(verb, treat)

jiān chí cái néng gin (chēng) dào xiàn zài
To persist is why (I) am able to endure (all the cruelties) till now.
坚持(verb, persist) 才 (then) 能 (able to) ㄍ一ㄥ (the Taiwanese pronunciation for 撑 which means endure or hang in there) 到 (till) 现在(noun phrase, the present or now)

wàn nián hòu de chéng bài
The success and failure after ten thousand years.
万 (number, ten thousand) 年 (noun, year) 后 (preposition, after) 的 (connecting particle)成败 (noun phrase, success and failure)

yīn fú zǎo yǐ dìng àn
Musical notes long ago have had final decision.
音符 (noun phrase, music notes) 早 (adverb, long ago) 已 (adverb, already) 定案 (verb, reached final decision or verdict)

shēn tǐ zhōng huì fǔ huài
Bodies finally will be rotten.
身体 (noun phrase, body) 终 (adverb, finally) 会 (will) 腐坏 (noun phrase, rotten)

xiě xià bù xiǔ de cún zài
To write down the immortal existence.
写 (verb, write) 下 (verb, down) 不 (negate word, not) 朽(verb, rotten) 的(connecting particle) 存在(noun, existence)

yòng xī shēng huàn lái lí míng
Use sacrifice to trade for the dawn.
用 (verb, use) 牺牲(noun, sacrifice) 换来 (verb phrase, to trade or exchange)黎明(noun phrase, dawn)

yíng jiē líng hún de gòng míng
To greet the resonance of the souls.
迎接 (verb, greet) 灵魂 (noun, soul) 的 (connecting particle) 共鸣(noun, resonance)

lún huí jī gè shì jì
Have been reincarnated for how many centuries?
轮回 (verb, reincarnate)几 (how many)个(common measure word) 世纪(noun, century)

zài yuǎn de jù lí
No matter how far away the distance is.
再 (no matter how) 远 (adj, far) 的 (connecting particle) 距离(noun, distance)

huàn xǐng bù kū qì de xīn
To call and awake the heart that doesn’t cry.
唤 (verb, call) 醒(verb, awake or wake up) 不(not) 哭泣(verb, cry) 的(connecting particle) 心(noun, heart)

guān shàng mí wǎng de yǎn jīng
Close the perplexed eyes.
关上(verb phrase, close) 迷惘 (confused or perplexed) 的(connecting particle) 眼睛(noun, eyes)

tīng jiàn líng hún de gòng míng
Hear the resonance of the souls.
听见 (verb phrase, heard) 灵魂 (noun, soul) 的(connecting particle)共鸣(noun, resonance)

guān bù zhù wǒ de yue yǐn
Not able to cage my musical addiction.
关 不 住(guan, close, bu, not; gu bu zhu means not able to close) 我的 (my) 乐(music) 瘾(addiction)

nǐ yě tòng kuài de huí yìng
You also straightforward respond.
你(noun, you)也(also) 痛快(adj. straightforward) 的(c0nnecting particle) 回应(verb, respond)

zhè chāo shí kōng de jiāo xiǎng qū
This symphony that surpasses time and space
这(this) 超(verb, surpass) 时(time) 空(space) 的(particle of connecting) 交响曲(noun, symphony)

wén yì fù xìng shéi zài yǐn lǐng
Who is leading the Renaissance?
文艺复兴(noun, Renaissance) 谁 (who) 在(particle shows action is in progressing now)引领(verb, lead)

nǐ yòng jué shì qín yīn
You use the exceptional zither sounds.
你(pronoun, you) 用(verb, use) 绝世(adj. out of this world) 琴 (noun, music)音(noun, music)

wǒ yòng mèng de gē jù
I use the opera of dreams.
我(pronoun, I) 用(verb, use) 梦(noun, dream)的(connecting particle)歌剧 (noun, opera)

唱 响 魅影
chàng xiǎng mèi yǐng
To sing and echo the phantoms.
唱(verb, sing) 响(verb, echo) 魅影(noun, phantom)

shùn jiān chuān suō bǎi wàn yín hé xì
In a split moment, travel back and forth million galaxies.
瞬间(noun, in a blink of eyes) 穿梭(verb, travel back and forth) 百(hundred)万(ten thousand)银河系(galaxy)

nǐ shì bù miè de héng xīng
You are the undistinguished forever star.
你(pronoun, yo) 是(verb, are)不(not) 灭(extinguish, verb)的(connecting particle) 恒(adj. eternal) 星(noun, star)

ā mǔ sī zhuàng huì shì wǒ
Armstrong will be me.
阿姆斯壮(name, Armstrong, the astronaut who went to the moon) 会 (will) 是(be) 我(me)

xiàn shàng yǒng qì
To offer  the courage.
献上(verb, offer sth to God) 勇气(verb, courage)

āi dào shì jiè chén mò
To mourn the silence of the world.
哀悼(verb, mourn) 世界(noun, world) 沉默(noun, silence)

nán hái tán zòu jì mò
Boys are playing lonely tunes.
男孩(noun, boy) 弹奏(verb, play music instrument) 寂寞(noun, loneliness)

shéi hái chàng zhe
Who are still singing?
谁(who) 还(adverb, still) 唱(verb, sing) 著(aspect particle indicating action in progress)

shéi hái chàng zhe
Who are still singing?
谁(who) 还(adverb, still) 唱(verb, sing) 著(aspect particle indicating action in progress)

shéi huán chàng zhe gē
Who are still singing songs?
谁(who) 还(adverb, still) 唱(verb, sing) 著(aspect particle indicating action in progress) 歌(noun, songs)

tā wéi xiào bù qù biàn bó
He smiles, but not dispute.
他(pronoun, he) 微笑(verb, simile)不(not) 去(to) 辩驳(verb, dispute or argue)

tā guān chá bù qù zhēng dòu
He observes, but not to fight.
他(he) 观察(verb, observe) 不(not)去(to) 争斗(verb, battle or fight)

tā shǒu zhǐ méi yǒu tíng guò
His fingers never stop.
他(he) 手指(noun, finger) 没有(never) 停过(verb, stopped)

yīn wéi mèng xiǎng méi yǒu bēng tā
For his dreams haven’t collapsed.
因为(because) 梦想(noun, dreams) 没有(never) 崩塌(verb, collapsed)

yòng xī shēng huàn lái lí míng
Use sacrifice to trade for the dawn.
用 (verb, use) 牺牲(noun, sacrifice) 换来 (verb phrase, to trade or exchange)黎明(noun phrase, dawn)

yíng jiē líng hún de gòng míng
To greet the resonance of the souls.
迎接 (verb, greet) 灵魂 (noun, soul) 的 (connecting particle) 共鸣(noun, resonance)

lún huí jī gè shì jì
Have been reincarnated for how many centuries?
轮回 (verb, reincarnate)几 (how many)个(common measure word) 世纪(noun, century)

zài yuǎn de jù lí
No matter how far away the distance is.
再 (no matter how) 远 (adj, far) 的 (connecting particle) 距离(noun, distance)

huàn xǐng bù kū qì de xīn
To call and awake the heart that doesn’t cry.
唤 (verb, call) 醒(verb, awake or wake up) 不(not) 哭泣(verb, cry) 的(connecting particle) 心(noun, heart)

guān shàng mí wǎng de yǎn jīng
Close the perplexed eyes.
关上(verb phrase, close) 迷惘 (confused or perplexed) 的(connecting particle) 眼睛(noun, eyes)

tīng jiàn líng hún de gòng míng
Hear the resonance of the souls.
听见 (verb phrase, heard) 灵魂 (noun, soul) 的(connecting particle)共鸣(noun, resonance)

guān bù zhù wǒ de yue yǐn
Not able to cage my musical addiction.
关 不 住(guan, close, bu, not; gu bu zhu means not able to close) 我的 (my) 乐(music) 瘾(addiction)

nǐ yě tòng kuài de huí yìng
You also straightforward respond.
你(noun, you)也(also) 痛快(adj. straightforward) 的(c0nnecting particle) 回应(verb, respond)

zhè chāo shí kōng de jiāo xiǎng qū
This symphony that surpasses time and space
这(this) 超(verb, surpass) 时(time) 空(space) 的(particle of connecting) 交响曲(noun, symphony)

wǒ tīng jiàn nǐ líng hún de gòng míng
I hear your resonance of the souls.
我(I) 听见 (verb phrase, heard)你(ni means ni de, your) 灵魂 (noun, soul) 的(connecting particle)共鸣(noun, resonance)

huàn xǐng bù kū qì de xīn
To call and awake the heart that doesn’t cry.
唤 (verb, call) 醒(verb, awake or wake up) 不(not) 哭泣(verb, cry) 的(connecting particle) 心(noun, heart)

zài cì zhēng kāi wǒ yǎn jīng
Again, I open my eyes.
再次(once more) 睁开(verb, open) 我(here means wo de, my) 眼睛(noun, eyes)

kàn jiàn líng hún de gòng míng
I hear the resonance of the souls.
看见(verb, saw) 灵魂(noun, soul) 的(connecting particle) 共鸣(noun, echo)

mǒ bù qù shāng de hén jī
The mark of wound that can’t be wiped out.
抹不去(mo, verb, wipe; bu, not, qu means gone; 抹不去 means can’t be wiped out) 伤 (noun, wound) 的(connecting particle)痕迹(noun, mark, trace)

jiāo zhī mìng yùn de jiāo xiǎng qū
Weaved into the symphony of fate.
交织(verb, weave) 命运(noun, fate) 的(connecting particle) 交响曲(noun, symphony)

méi yǒu tuì biàn bù liao de xīn
There is no hearts that can’t be transformed.
没有(don’t have) 蜕变(verb, transform)不了(unable to) 的(connecting particle) 心(noun, heart)

Translate and annotated by Shu

Quotes about symphony:

“My soul is a hidden orchestra; I know not what instruments, what fiddlestrings and harps, drums and tamboura I sound and clash inside myself. All I hear is the symphony.”
Fernando Pessoa

“When we feel, a kind of lyric is sung in our heart.
When we think, a kind of music is played in our mind.
In harmony, both create a beautiful symphony of life.”
Toba Beta


“Perfection: a collection of a variety of pieces that, when viewed and felt individually, are difficult and confusing; but when brought together as one, create a perfect picture. Symphony, harmony, serenity.”
C. JoyBell C.


“Modern man is full of platitudes about living life to its fullest, with catchy keychain phrases and little plaques for kitchen walls. But if you’ve never retreated to the solitude of a dark room and listened to Beethoven’s Ninth from start to finish, you know nothing. For music is a transcendental exploration of human emotion and experience, the very fabric of life in its purest form. And the Ninth our greatest musical achievement.”
Tiffany Madison

God comes to us in theater in the way we communicate with each other, whether it be a symphony orchestra, or a wonderful ballet, or a beautiful painting, or a play. It’s a way of expressing our humanity.

―Julie Harris

圓仔打呵欠三連發 Giant Panda Baby Triple Yawning


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