Chinese phrases – Mandarin sentence – How to say ” Organic food is healthy and nutritious” in Chinese: 有机食品很健康也很营养。You3 ji1 shi2 pin3 hen3 jian4 kang1 ye3 hen3 ying2 yang3 . What organic means etymologically

Chinese phrases – Mandarin sentence – How to say ” Organic food is healthy and nutritious” in Chinese: 有机食品很健康也很营养。You3 ji1 shi2 pin3 hen3 jian4 kang1 ye3 hen3 ying2 yang3 . You3 ji1 (有机 adjective, organic) shi2 pin3 (食品 noun, food) hen3 (很 adverb, very) jian4 kang1 (健康 adjective, healthy) ye3 (也 adverb, also) hen3 (很 adverb, very) ying2 yang3 (营养adjective, nutritious).
Organic (有机 you3 ji2) is the transliteration directly from the term “organic” in English, but it doesn’t have the exact pronunciation as it’s English counterpart has. Still it is a good translation. For the meaning of you3 ji1, 有 you3 is more simple, it is a verb means to have. Etymologically speaking, the formation of the character 機 (traditional character for 机)(noun) consists two parts – 木 and 幾 and it is a pictophonetic word. In Chinese we call pictophonetic word as 形声字 xing2 (shape) sheng1 (sound) zi4 (character). 木 (trees) suggests the meaning, while 幾 (ji) provides the sound. There are two phrases called 机会 (ji1 hui4, opportunity) and 机能 (ji1 neng2, function). So, 有机 you3 ji2 two words imply “have more opportunity and function (for developing a healthy body)” just like trees do to offer the world the essential source — oxygen to breathe in, so the living beings can grow better naturally; and that is what organic food does — giving natural nutrients without pesticide and artificial chemical , albeit the price is a bit higher.

Then, let’s conclude today’s post with a cheesy organic song

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