Carnation origin, symbol, flower meaning of different colors. Mandarin Chinese – How to say – On Mother’s Day, I am going to buy my mom a bouquet of bright red carnation. The Pink Carnation by Henry Lawson, Flora´s Secret ENYA

The Pink Carnation

I may walk until I’m fainting, I may write until I’m blinded,
I might drink until my back teeth are afloat,
But I can’t forget my ruin and the happy days behind it,
When I wore a pink carnation in my coat.

Oh, I thought that time could conquer, and I thought my heart would harden,
But it sends a sudden lump into my throat,
When I think of what I have been, and the cottage and the garden,
When I wore a pink carnation in my coat.

God forgive you, girl, and bless you! Let no line of mine distress you –
I am sorry for the bitter lines I wrote;
But remember, and think kindly, for we met and married blindly,
When I wore a pink carnation in my coat.
Henry Lawson

What is the perfect flower for Mother’s Day? Carnations! To celebrate this special holiday, don’t forget to buy your mom a bouquet of carnations; if the cost is too great, then, draw her a card full of carnations then 🙂
Mandarin Chinese – How to say – On Mother’s Day, I am going to buy my mom a bouquet of bright red carnations.

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Mǔqīnjié dàngtiān , Wǒ yào mǎi yī shù xiānhóng de kāng nǎi xīn sòng gěi Wǒ māma.

Mǔqīnjié (母亲节 Mǔqīn mother, jié holiday; Mǔqīnjié means Mother’s Day) dàngtiān (当天 that day) , Wǒ (我pronoun, I) yào (要 verb, want or would like) mǎi (买 verb, to buy) yī (一 number, one) shù (束 noun, bouquet) xiān (鲜 adjective, bright or fresh) hóng (红 adjective, red) de ( 的 a particle to put after attributive and before the noun it modifies) kāngnǎixīn (康乃馨 carnation) sòng (送 verb, to give or to send) gěi (给 preposition, to) Wǒ (我 Wǒ de 我的 for short, my) māma (妈妈 noun, mom).

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The botanical (植 物 学 的 [zhíwùxué de] ) name for the Carnation flower is Dianthus. The name Dianthus is from the Greek (希 腊 文 的 [Xīlà wén de] ) words dios (god) and anthos (flower), and was named by the Greek botanist ( 植 物 学 家 [zhíwùxué jiā] ) Theophrastus. Thus, carnation flowers have Greek origin which means divine (神 的 [shén de] )flowers or the flowers of Zeus, the Greek god of the sky and king of the gods. In Greek mythology (神 话 [shénhuà] ), it says goddess (女 神 [nŭshén] ) Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt as well as of childbirth (分 娩 [fēnmiăn] ), once was in extreme anger, and she tore out the eyes of a shepherd (牧 羊 人 [mùyángrén] ) when he startled her when she was in hunting. Later, Artemis regretted her own rash actions, so she replaced his eyes with two bright red carnations.

Some scholars think that the name “carnation” comes from “coronation” (加 冕 典 礼 [jiāmiăn diănlĭ] ) or “corone” (flower garlands), as it was one of the flowers used in Greek ceremonial crowns (皇 冠 [huángguān] ). Others argue the name came from the Greek carnis (flesh), which refers to the original (最 初 的 [zuìchū de] ) color of the flower, or incarnacyon (incarnation), which means the incarnation (赋 与 肉 体 [fù yǔ ròu tī]).
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The early Christians ( 基 督 徒 [Jīdūjiào] ) believed that carnations grew up from the tears which were shed by the Virgin Mary as she watched Jesus carrying the cross on His way to the crucifixion (被 钉 死 在 十 字 架 上 [bēi dīng sǐ zǎi shízìjià shàng] ). The association with the Virgin Mary may also be the reason that carnations are universally presented as symbols (象 征 [xiàngzhēng] ) of motherhood. In the early years of the 20th century, carnations became the official (官 方 的 [guānfāng de] ) flower of Mother’s Day. Red carnations are worn on Mother’s Day if one’s mother is alive, while white is worn if the mother is dead.

Carnation is one of the world’s oldest cultivated flowers, the carnation is admired for its ruffled (皱 皱 的[zhòu zhòu de] )appearance, clove-like fresh and fragrant (芳 香 的 [fāngxiāng de] )scent, and long blooming (开 花 的 [kāihuā de] ) time from 7 to 21 days depending on the cultivar, harvest stage and flower food.

Carnations have a wide range of colors. Generally they express love, fascination and distinction, every color of carnations carries a special meaning. White carnations mean pure love and good luck, light red symbolizes admiration (钦 佩 [qīnpèi] ), while dark red represents deep love and affection (喜 爱 [xĭ’ài] ). Purple carnations mean capriciousness (随 意 性 [suí yì xìng]), and pink carnations carry the greatest significance (重 要 性 [zhòngyào xìng]), for they first appeared on earth from the tears Virgin Mary shed: the symbol of a mother’s undying love. Thus, carnation is a flower of love, which has a broader love concept than roses. Carnations are also the state flower of Ohio and the 1st wedding anniversary (结 婚 周 年 纪 念 [jiéhūn zhōunián jìniàn]) flower.

Flora´s Secret ENYA

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