Learn Chinese: How to say ” He broke up with his girlfriend” in Chinese: 他和他的女朋友分手了ta1 he2 ta1 de5 nu3 peng2 you3 fen1 shou3 le5

How to say ” He broke up with his girlfriend” in Chinese: 他和他的女朋友分手了ta1 he2 ta1 de5 nu3 peng2 you3 fen1 shou3 le5. ta1 (he 他) he2 (and 和) ta1 (he 他) de5 (的 a particle to put between pronoun and the object to show possession) nu3 (female 女) peng2 you3 (friend 朋友) fen1 shou3 (分手 originally means parting hands, here means break up) le5 (了 a particle to show the change of status). Phrases about breaking up you might want to know: got dumped -- bei4 shuai3 le5(被甩了), bei4 pao1 qi4 le (被抛弃了)。

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