蔡琴 – 最后一夜 The last night (The movie “The Last Night of Taipan Jin” theme song) Cai qin – Zui hou yi ye: song, lyrics, pinyin, English translation and quotes of ending relationship

蔡琴 – 最后一夜 The last night (The movie “The Last Night of Taipan Jin” theme song)
Cai qin – Zui hou yi ye

踩不完恼人舞步 喝不尽醉人醇酒
cai bu wan nao ren wu bu he bu jin zui ren chun jiu
Endlessly stepping the annoying dance steps; endlessly sipping the intoxicating old wine

良夜有谁为我留 耳边语轻柔
liang ye you shui wei wo liu er bian yu qing rou
Beautiful night who stays with me, Whispers gently by my ears

走不完红男绿女 看不尽人海沉浮
zou bu wan hong nan lv nv kan bu jin ren hai chen fu
Endlessly walking, red men and green women, see endless ups and downs in the sea of human world

往事有谁为我诉 空对华灯愁
wang shi you shui wei wo su kong dui hua deng chou
My past memory who is willing to listen; lonely I gazed the beautiful lights miserably

我也曾陶醉在两情相悦  像飞舞中的彩蝶
wo ye zeng tao zui zai liang qing xiang yue xiang fei wu zhong de cai die
Once reveled in the joy of reciprocating feelings, dancing and flying, I was like the colorful butterfly
我也曾心碎於黯然离别  哭倒在露湿台阶
wo ye zeng xin sui ran li bie ku dao zai lu shi tai jie
I also broke heart at the sad parting and fell and cried on the dew dampened stairs

红灯将灭酒也醒  此刻该向它告别
hong deng jiang mie jiu ye xing ci ke gai xiang ta gao bie
The red light is going to be extinguished and my drunken mind is going to be woken up. This time I should say goodbye to it.

曲终人散回头一瞥  嗯……最后一夜
qu zhong ren san hui tou yi pie …… zui hou yi ye
Song ending, people dispersing, I turned around and glanced, mmmmmmmm, the last night

Translated by Shu


Quotes of ending relationship:
The pain experienced during a breakup is as individual as the millions of people who go through it. ~Tigress Luv

Sometimes the best memories are the ones you have to lose.

The funny thing about breakups is they point out what we didn’t even know we had, but don’t give us the option of going back into battle armed with that knowledge.

Why did you leave me? When did you leave me? Where was I when this happened?

He gave me nothing, and he took it with him when he left.

Do not take your ex boyfriend’s bad opinion of you as the truth. Nothing he thinks or says about you is about you, but rather a reflection of his own reality.

Obsession is feeling fearful that you may be losing him; detachment is knowing that he may be losing you; and apathy is the past tense of both.

Based on a string of bad breakups, I was forced to examine my choice of partners. Surely, that must have abolished me from any wrongdoing.

I can embrace myself, hold my own hand, love me – but I can’t gaze into my own eyes and feel my own soul lift me up.

Every happy woman has at least one ex boyfriend behind her.

The dark of night does not come after the golden glow of the day’s sun but before it.

More Ending Relationship Quotes

No one is spared the pain of rejection, except the ignorant and the fool. Which my ex boyfriend just happens to be both of.

Why must a heart break? Why must a tear drop? ….and why did I forget where I was going with this quote?

His closing his eyes to me, opened my eyes to him.

Mars and Venus? Nope. The only problem between the genders is that we each have the others needs and wants backwards. Men want to be needed, and women need to be wanted. Not the other way around. It’s that simple!

We enter relationships as a somebody and leave them as a nobody.

When I said I didn’t want to see you anymore why did you choose that particular statement to be the only one you ever listened to?

This sucks! I can’t think! I can’t sleep! I can’t eat! Is love supposed to hurt so?

I don’t know how to not love you, I only know how to not let you go.

The greatest experience we can ever have is usually not a welcomed one at that time.

The saddest thing about breakups is that the children get dumped, too.

It amazes me so that we enter a relationship whole and leave it only a half.

I looked in the mirror this morning, but I only saw me without you.

More Ending Relationship Quotes

Of all the moments in my life, you were always there somewhere. Once as a wish. Once as a blessing. And now as the greatest loss I’ll ever experience.

Yearn for where you want to go, not for where you have already been: Your future will be better, your days will be brighter, and your nights will be filled with the glorious heavens.

If I stop thinking of you, will you be gone to me forever?

You know what the duck said when their lover left them? “Quack!” I guess you can say that the duck quacked.

When we wear our heart on our sleeve, nobody notices our great butts!

If the government could tax broken hearts, there would be no deficit.

It took losing you to find me. It would have took finding me to keep me from losing you. Why is life so unfair?

Last night you came back to me and my world was right again. This morning I woke up against my wishes. Why must there be a dawn?

If breakups never existed the music industry would go bankrupt.
These great quotes come from: http://endingrelationships.com/ending_relationship_quotes.html

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