李宗盛 Jonathan Lee Piao yang guo hai lai kan ni I crossed over the ocean and sea to see you: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

娃娃-飄洋過海來看你 (官方完整版MV)

飄洋過海來看你-理性與感性作品音樂會 (官方完整版LIVE)

Jonathan Lee
Lǐ Zōngshèng
Piāoyáng guo hǎi lái kàn nǐ
I crossed over the ocean and sea to see you

为你 我用了半年的积蓄飘洋过海的来看你
wèi nǐ  wǒ yòng le bànnián de jīxù piāoyáng guo hǎi de lái kàn nǐ
For you, I spent half year’s saving, crossing the ocean and sea to see you.

为(for)你(you) 我(I)用(use)了(past tense particle)半(half)年(year)的(connecting particle)积蓄(saving)飘(cross over)洋(ocean)过(pass)海(sea)的(connecting particle)来(come to)看(see)你(you)

为了这次相聚 我连见面时的呼吸都曾反复练习
wèile zhè cì xiāngjù  wǒ lián jiànmiàn shí de hūxī dōu zēng fǎnfù liànxí
For this meeting with each other, I even repeatedly practiced how to breathe for this visiting.

为了(for)这(this)次(time)相聚(meeting together) 我(I)连(even)见(see)面(face)时(time)的(connecting particle)呼吸(breathing)都(all)曾(have been)反复(repeatedly)练习(practice)

yányǔ cónglái méi néng jiāng wǒ de qíngyì biǎodá qiānwàn fēnzhī yī
Languages were never able to express a tiny, tiny bit of my feeling for you.

言语(language)从来没(never)能(able)将((introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把)我的(my)情意(feeling)表达(express)千万分之一(one in thousand millions)

为了这个遗憾 我在夜里想了又想不肯睡去
wèile zhège yíhàn  wǒ zài yèli xiǎng le yòu xiǎng bù kěn shuì qù
For this regret, I, at night, thinking and thinking, was not willing to sleep.

为了(for)这(this)个(measure word)遗憾(regret) 我(I)在(at)夜里(night)想了(thought)又(again)想(thought)不(not)肯(willing)睡去(sleep)

记忆它总是慢慢的累积 在我心中无法抹去
jìyì tā zǒngshì mànmàn de lěijī  zài wǒ xīnzhōng wúfǎ mǒqù
Memory, it always slowly accumulates, and has been not able to be erased from my heart.

记忆(memory)它(it)总是(always)慢慢的(slowly)累积(accumulate) 在(in)我心(my heart)中(within)无法(no way)抹去(erase off)

为了你的承诺 我在最绝望的时候都忍着不哭泣
wèile nǐ de chéngnuò  wǒ zài zuì juéwàng de shíhou dōu rěn zhe bù kūqì
For your promise, at the time I was the most desperate, I even held back my tears.

为了(for)你的(your)承诺(promose) 我(I)在(at)最(the most)绝望(desperate)的(connecting particle)时候(time)都(all)忍(hold)着(particle shows action was occurring)不(not)哭泣(cry)

陌生的城市啊 熟悉的角落里
mòshēng de chéngshì a  shúxī de jiǎoluò lǐ
In the unfamiliar city, in the familiar corners,

陌生(unfamiliar)的(connecting particle)城市(city)啊(particle, expressing surprise or doubt) 熟悉的(familiar)角落(corner)里(within)

也曾彼此安慰 也曾相拥叹息 不管将会面对什么样的结局
yě zēng bǐcǐ ānwèi  yě zēng xiāng yōng tànxī  bùguǎn jiānghuì miànduì shénmeyàng de jiéjú
We also once comforted each other, also held each other and sighed; no matter what kind of ending we have to face.

也(also)曾(once)彼此(each other)安慰(comfort) 也(also)曾(once)相(each other)拥(embrace)叹息(sigh) 不管(no matter)将(going to)会(will)面对(face)什么样(what kind)的(connecting particle)结局(ending)

在漫天风沙里望着你远去 我竟悲伤得不能自已
zài màntiān fēngshā lǐ wàng zhe nǐ yuǎn qù  wǒ jìng bēishāng de bùnéngzìyǐ
In the day, sands were blowing all over the sky by wind, I stood seeing you off. I could not help but feeling so miserably sad.

在(in)漫(all over)天(sky)风(wind)沙(sand)里(within)望着(seeing)你(you)远去( go to far away place) 我(I)竟(as it turns out)悲伤(sad)得(particle after verb)不能(not able to help)自已(self)

多盼能送君千里直到山穷水尽 一生和你相依
duō pàn néng sòng jūn qiānlǐ zhídào shānqióngshuǐjìn  yìshēng hé nǐ xiāngyī

How I wish that I could be able to escort you thousand miles, to the the end of mountain and the end of water. How I wish, I could be able to be with you all my life.

多(how much)盼(wish/expect)能(able to)送(send)君(you)千(thousand)里(mile)直到(till)山(mountain)穷(end)水(water)尽(end) 一(one)生(life)和(and)你(you)相依(to be interdependent)

Translated by Shu

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