有一种勇气叫放弃 You yizhong yongqi jiao fangqi There is one kind of courage called giving up 丁当 Ding Dang Della: pinyin, lyrics, English translation, ending theme song of Chinese TV drama 风中奇缘 Feng zhong ji yuan/ 大漠谣 Da mo yao Sound of the Desert


风中奇缘 第1集 – Sound of the Desert Ep01 Full HD

Ending theme song (片尾曲 piān wěi qū) of new Chinese TV drama 风中奇缘 Fēng zhōng jī yuán/ 大漠谣 Dà mò yáo Sound of the Desert

Yǒu yìzhǒng yǒngqì jiào fàngqì
There is a kind of courage called giving up

Dīng Dāng

歌词 gé cí lyrics

yǒu hǎoduō shìqing bù xūyào zhèngmíng
There are many things don’t need to be proved.


jiù xiàng zěnme qù zhèngmíng wǒ ài nǐ
Just like how to prove that I love you.

就(just)像(like)怎么(how to)去(to)证明(prove)我(I)爱(love)你(you)

rúguǒ cuòguò yìshí jiù huì cuòguò yìshēng
If miss one time will miss one life.


是否 该更诚实面对感情
shìfǒu gāi gēng chéngshí miànduì gǎnqíng
Whether or not (we) should face feelings with more honesty?

是否(whether or not) 该(should)更(even more)诚实(honesty)面对(face)感情(feelings)

以为时间能 溶解你的心
yǐwéi shíjiān néng róngjiě nǐ de xīn
I thought time might be able to melt your heart.

以为( to be under the impression )时间(time)能(can) 溶解(to dissolve /to melt)你的(your)心(heart)

固执的相信 有一天你终会清醒
gùzhí de xiāngxìn yǒu yì tiān nǐ zhōng huì qīngxǐng
Stubbornly believed that one day you will finally wake up.

固执的(stubbornly)相信(believe) 有(there is)一(one)天(day)你(you)终(finally)会(will)清醒(clear-headed / sober / awake)

却怎么贴近 都只能一个人前进
què zěnme tiējìn dōu zhǐnéng yígèrén qiánjìn
Yet, no matter how did I lean close to (you), all it turns out is just one person moved forward.

却(yet)怎么(no matter how)贴(lean)近(close) 都(all)只(just)能(able to)一(one)个(measure word)人(people)前进(march forward)

也许 放开才能抓得更紧
yěxǔ fàngkāi cáinéng zhuā dé gēng jǐn
Perhaps, to let go will be able to hold on it even more tighter.

也许(perhaps) 放开(to unleash / to release )才(then)能(able to)抓(grasp/ hold)得(particle)更(even more)紧(tight)

wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì zhēn de kěyǐ
I think I am really able to

我(I)想(think)我(I)是(am)真的(really)可以(able to)

kěyǐ fàngqì ài nǐ de rènxìng
Able to give up the headstrongness about loving you.

可以(able to)放弃(give up)爱(love)你(you)的(connecting particle)任性(willful / headstrong / unruly)

wǒ kěyǐ tǐliàng nǐ de juédìng
I am able to considerate your decision.

我(I)可以(able to)体谅(considerate)你的(your)决定(decision)

wǒ kěyǐ jiēshòu wǒ de sùmìng
I am able to accept my predestination.
我(I)可以(able to)接受(accept)我的(my)宿命(predestination)

wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì zhēn de ài nǐ
I think I really love you.


再痛也会 真心的祝福你
zài tòng yě huì zhēnxīn de zhùfú nǐ
Even more painful, (I will still) truly wish you well.

再(even more)痛(painful)也(also)会(will) 真(true)心(heart)的(connecting particle)祝福(to wish sb well

ài yígèrén xūyào yǒngqì
Loving a person needs courage.

爱(love)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)需要(need)勇气(courage)

tīngshuō guò yǒu yìzhǒng yǒngqì jiù jiàozuò fàngqì
(I) heard there is one kind of courage called giving up.

听说(heard)过(particle to show past experiences)有(there is)一(one)种(kind)勇气(courage)就叫(is called)做(to be)放弃(give up)

以为时间能 溶解你的心
yǐwéi shíjiān néng róngjiě nǐ de xīn
I thought time might be able to melt your heart.

以为( to be under the impression )时间(time)能(can) 溶解(to dissolve /to melt)你的(your)心(heart)

固执的相信 有一天你终会清醒
gùzhí de xiāngxìn yǒu yì tiān nǐ zhōng huì qīngxǐng
Stubbornly believed that one day you will finally wake up.

固执的(stubbornly)相信(believe) 有(there is)一(one)天(day)你(you)终(finally)会(will)清醒(clear-headed / sober / awake)

却怎么贴近 都只能一个人前进
què zěnme tiējìn dōu zhǐnéng yígèrén qiánjìn
Yet, no matter how did I lean close to (you), all it turns out is just one person moved forward.

却(yet)怎么(no matter how)贴(lean)近(close) 都(all)只(just)能(able to)一(one)个(measure word)人(people)前进(march forward)

也许 放开才能抓得更紧
yěxǔ fàngkāi cáinéng zhuā dé gēng jǐn
Perhaps, to let go will be able to hold on it even more tighter.

也许(perhaps) 放开(to unleash / to release )才(then)能(able to)抓(grasp/ hold)得(particle)更(even more)紧(tight)

wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì zhēn de kěyǐ
I think I am really able to

我(I)想(think)我(I)是(am)真的(really)可以(able to)

kěyǐ fàngqì ài nǐ de rènxìng
Able to give up the headstrongness about loving you.

可以(able to)放弃(give up)爱(love)你(you)的(connecting particle)任性(willful / headstrong / unruly)

wǒ kěyǐ tǐliàng nǐ de juédìng
I am able to considerate your decision.

我(I)可以(able to)体谅(considerate)你的(your)决定(decision)

wǒ kěyǐ jiēshòu wǒ de sùmìng
I am able to accept my predestination.
我(I)可以(able to)接受(accept)我的(my)宿命(predestination)

wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì zhēn de ài nǐ
I think I really love you.


再痛也会 真心的祝福你
zài tòng yě huì zhēnxīn de zhùfú nǐ
Even more painful, (I will still) truly wish you well.

再(even more)痛(painful)也(also)会(will) 真(true)心(heart)的(connecting particle)祝福(to wish sb well

ài yígèrén xūyào yǒngqì
Loving a person needs courage.

爱(love)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)需要(need)勇气(courage)

tīngshuō guò yǒu yìzhǒng yǒngqì jiù jiàozuò fàngqì
(I) heard there is one kind of courage called giving up.

听说(heard)过(particle to show past experiences)有(there is)一(one)种(kind)勇气(courage)就叫(is called)做(to be)放弃(give up)

gāi guài nǐ búgòu jiānqiáng
(I) should blame you for not being strong enough.


háishi wǒ tài pà shòushāng
Or blame me for being too afraid of getting wounded.


qíng shēn yuán jiān
Feeling is deep, (yet) predestined affinity is shallow.

情(feeling)深(deep)缘(predestined affinity)浅(shallow / light )

dú liú tiān yá hǎijiǎo de juànliàn
Only keep the end of the earth’s longing.

独(only)留(to keep / to preserve )天(heaven)崖(the edge)海(sea)角(corner)的(connecting particle)眷恋(longing / yearning )

wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì zhēn de kěyǐ
I think I am really able to

我(I)想(think)我(I)是(am)真的(really)可以(able to)

kěyǐ fàngqì ài nǐ de rènxìng
Able to give up the headstrongness about loving you.

可以(able to)放弃(give up)爱(love)你(you)的(connecting particle)任性(willful / headstrong / unruly)

wǒ kěyǐ tǐliàng nǐ de juédìng
I am able to considerate your decision.

我(I)可以(able to)体谅(considerate)你的(your)决定(decision)

wǒ kěyǐ jiēshòu wǒ de sùmìng
I am able to accept my predestination.
我(I)可以(able to)接受(accept)我的(my)宿命(predestination)

wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì zhēn de ài nǐ
I think I really love you.


再痛也会 真心的祝福你
zài tòng yě huì zhēnxīn de zhùfú nǐ
Even more painful, (I will still) truly wish you well.

再(even more)痛(painful)也(also)会(will) 真(true)心(heart)的(connecting particle)祝福(to wish sb well

ài yígèrén xūyào yǒngqì
Loving a person needs courage.

爱(love)一(one)个(measure word)人(person)需要(need)勇气(courage)

tīngshuō guò yǒu yìzhǒng yǒngqì jiù jiàozuò fàngqì
(I) heard there is one kind of courage called giving up.

听说(heard)过(particle to show past experiences)有(there is)一(one)种(kind)勇气(courage)就叫(is called)做(to be)放弃(give up)

Translated by Shu

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