我愛他 Wo ai ta I love him 丁噹 Ding Dang: lyrics, pinyin and English translation

丁噹 [ 我愛他 ] MV官方完整版

我爱他 – 叮当

Wǒ ài tā
I love him

Dīng Dāng
Ding Dang

xià yí zhàn, xìngfú” piàntóu qū
Theme song of Next stop, happiness/Autumn concerto

他的輕狂留在 某一節車廂
tā de qīngkuáng liú zài mǒu yī jié chēxiāng
His frivolity remains in a certain carriage.
他的(his)輕狂(frivolity)留(remain)在(in) 某(certain)一(one)節(measure word for compartment)車廂(compartment of a train)

地下鐵裡的風 比回憶還重
dìxià tiě lǐ de fēng bǐ huíyì hái zhòng
The wind in the subway is heavier than memory.
地下鐵(subway)裡(within)的(connecting particle)風(wind) 比(compare)回憶(memory)還(even more)重(heavy)

zhěng zuò chéngshì yīzhí děngzhe wǒ
The whole city has been continuously waiting for me.
整(whole)座(measure word for city)城市(city)一直(continuously)等(wait)著(V+ing)我(me)

yǒu yīduàn gǎnqíng hái zài piāobó
Have a segment of feeling is still drifting.

對他唯一遺憾 是分手那天
duì tā wéiyī yíhàn shì fēnshǒu nèitiān
The only regret to him is that the day of breaking up
對(to)他(him)唯一(only)遺憾(regret) 是(is)分手(break up)那(that)天(day)

我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
wǒ bēnténg de yǎnlèi dōu tíng bù xiàlái
My surging tears all were not able to stop.
我(my)奔騰(surging forward)的(connecting particle)眼淚(tears) 都(all)停不下來(not able to stop)

若那一刻重來 我不哭
ruò nà yīkè chóng lái wǒ bù kū
If that moment could redo, I won’t cry.
若(if)那(that)一(one)刻(moment)重(again)來(come) 我(I)不(not)哭(cry)

ràng tā zhīdào wǒ kěyǐ hěn hǎo
Let him know that I would be well.
讓(let)他(him)知道(know)我(I)可以(able to)很(very)好(well)

我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
wǒ ài tā hōnghōnglièliè zuì fēngkuáng
I love him with the most vigorous crazy.
我(I)愛(love)他(him) 轟轟烈烈(vigorously)最(the most)瘋狂(insane/crazy)

我的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
wǒ de mèng hěn hěn suìguò què bù huì wàng
My dreams were ruthlessly shattered, yet I haven’t never forgotten.
我的(my)夢(dream) 狠狠(ruthlessly)碎過(broken)卻(yet)不會(won’t be)忘(forget)

曾為他 相信明天就是未來
céng wèi tā xiāngxìn míngtiān jiùshì wèilái
Once for him, believed that tomorrow is future.
曾(once)為(for)他(him) 相信(believe)明天(tomorrow)就是(exactly is)未來(future)

情節有多壞 都不肯醒來
qíngjié yǒu duō huài dōu bù kěn xǐng lái
No matter how bad were the circumstances, all was not able to wake up.
情節(plots/circumstances)有(have)多(how)壞(bad) 都(all)不肯(not willing)醒來(wake up)

我愛他 跌跌撞撞到絕望
wǒ ài tā diédiézhuàngzhuàng dào juéwàng
I love him, staggered along till despair.
我(I)愛(love)他(him) 跌跌撞撞(stagger along)到(till)絕望(despair)

我的心 深深傷過卻不會忘
wǒ de xīn shēn shēn shāngguò què bù huì wàng
My heart has been deeply wounded, yet I have never forgotten.
我的(my)心(heart) 深深(deeply)傷過(wounded)卻(yet)不會(won’t be)忘(forgot)

我和他 不再屬於這個地方
wǒ hé tā bù zài shǔyú zhège dìfāng
He and I, no more belong to this place.
我(I)和(and)他(him) 不再(not any more)屬於(belong to)這(this)個(measure word)地方(place)

最初的天堂 最終的荒唐
zuìchū de tiāntáng zuìzhōng de huāngtáng
Heaven of the beginning, absurdity of the end
最初(the beginning)的(connecting particle)天堂(heaven) 最終(the end)的(connecting particle)荒唐(absurdity)

Music ..

如果還有遺憾 又怎麼樣呢
rúguǒ hái yǒu yíhàn yòu zěnme yàng ne
If I still have regrets, so what?
如果(if)還(still)有(have)遺憾(regrets) 又(then)怎麼樣(how about it)呢(question marker for open-ended questions)

傷了痛了懂了 就能好了嗎
shāngle tòngle dǒngle jiù néng hǎole ma
Got wounded, got hurt, understood, then will be able to be OK?
傷(wounded)了(past tense particle)痛(hurt)了(past tense particle)懂(understood)了(past tense particle)就(then)能(able to)好(well)了(past tense particle)嗎(question marker)

céngjīng yīkào bǐcǐ de jiānbǎng
Once the shoulders that each other relied on
曾經(once)依靠(rely)彼此(each other)的(connecting particle)肩膀(shoulder)

rújīn gèzì zài rén hǎi liúlàng
Now, wanders alone in the sea of people.

我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
wǒ ài tā hōnghōnglièliè zuì fēngkuáng
I love him with the most vigorous crazy.
我(I)愛(love)他(him) 轟轟烈烈(vigorously)最(the most)瘋狂(insane/crazy)

我的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
wǒ de mèng hěn hěn suìguò què bù huì wàng
My dreams were ruthlessly shattered, yet I haven’t never forgotten.
我的(my)夢(dream) 狠狠(ruthlessly)碎過(broken)卻(yet)不會(won’t be)忘(forget)

逃不開 愛越深越互相傷害
Táo bù kāi ài yuè shēn yuè hùxiāng shānghài
Not able to escape, the more love for each other, the more wounds for each other.
逃不開(not able to escape) 愛(love)越(the more)深(deep)越(the more)互相(each other)傷害(cause hurts)

越深的依賴 越多的空白
yuè shēn de yīlài yuè duō de kòngbái
The more reliance, the more emptiness.
越(the more)深(deep)的(connecting particle)依賴(reliance) 越多(the more)的(connecting particle)空白(emptiness)

gāi zěnme qù ài
How to love?
該(should)怎麼去(how to)愛(love)

我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
wǒ ài tā hōnghōnglièliè zuì fēngkuáng
I love him with the most vigorous crazy.
我(I)愛(love)他(him) 轟轟烈烈(vigorously)最(the most)瘋狂(insane/crazy)

我的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
wǒ de mèng hěn hěn suìguò què bù huì wàng
My dreams were ruthlessly shattered, yet I haven’t never forgotten.
我的(my)夢(dream) 狠狠(ruthlessly)碎過(broken)卻(yet)不會(won’t be)忘(forget)

曾為他 相信明天就是未來
céng wèi tā xiāngxìn míngtiān jiùshì wèilái
Once for him, believed that tomorrow was future.
曾(once)為(for)他(him) 相信(believe)明天(tomorrow)就是(exactly is)未來(future)

情節有多壞 都不肯醒來
qíngjié yǒu duō huài dōu bù kěn xǐng lái
No matter how bad were the circumstances, all was not able to wake up.
情節(plots/circumstances)有(have)多(how)壞(bad) 都(all)不肯(not willing)醒來(wake up)

我愛他 跌跌撞撞到絕望
wǒ ài tā diédiézhuàngzhuàng dào juéwàng
I love him, staggered along till despair.
我(I)愛(love)他(him) 跌跌撞撞(stagger along)到(till)絕望(despair)

我的心 深深傷過卻不會忘
wǒ de xīn shēn shēn shāngguò què bù huì wàng
My heart has been deeply wounded, yet I have never forgotten.
我的(my)心(heart) 深深(deeply)傷過(wounded)卻(yet)不會(won’t be)忘(forgot)

我和他 不再屬於這個地方
wǒ hé tā bù zài shǔyú zhège dìfāng
He and I, no more belong to this place.
我(I)和(and)他(him) 不再(not any more)屬於(belong to)這(this)個(measure word)地方(place)

最初的天堂 最終的荒唐
zuìchū de tiāntáng zuìzhōng de huāngtáng
Heaven of the beginning, absurdity of the end
最初(the beginning)的(connecting particle)天堂(heaven) 最終(the end)的(connecting particle)荒唐(absurdity)

如果還有遺憾 是分手那天
rúguǒ hái yǒu yíhàn shì fēnshǒu nèitiān
If there are still regrets, then it would be the day of breaking up
如果(if)還(still)有(have)遺憾(regret)是(is)分手(break up)那(that)天(day)

我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
wǒ bēnténg de yǎnlèi dōu tíng bù xiàlái
My surging tears all were not able to stop.
我(my)奔騰(surging forward)的(connecting particle)眼淚(tears) 都(all)停不下來(not able to stop)

若那一刻重來 我不哭
ruò nà yīkè chóng lái wǒ bù kū
If that moment could redo, I won’t cry.
若(if)那(that)一(one)刻(moment)重(again)來(come) 我(I)不(not)哭(cry)

ràng tā zhīdào wǒ kěyǐ hěn hǎo
Let him know that I would be well.
讓(let)他(him)知道(know)我(I)可以(able to)很(very)好(well)

Translated by Shu

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